Hello, well things have been quiet of late on my Blog front, mainly because work has been horrendously busy (we are down to one team member, i.e. me, at a time when several big projects have been due, joy!). As a result, I've not had much in the way of time or inspiration for creativity, so I've not been writing either [sadface].
However, it has struck me that I want to write more about films, on top of the ones that have influenced me and the one I'm writing (very, very slowly) - to that end I've set up a new blog, which will just be for writing about films. So there'll be articles about films that have had a big impact on me, idle speculation about future films, and reviews of whatever film(s) I happen to have seen lately ...when I have time/motivation...
From henceforth, all my film-related blogging will take place here:
Anyway, the film script is still on the agenda - I'll hopefully have more time and inspiration to carry on with it once things quieten down at work...