Friday, 13 September 2013

That horrific moment you realise a film already exists similar to the one you're trying to write...

Writing can be a bit of a struggle at times.  You can often find you have the time, but not the inspiration, to get anything down.  Or if you've got ideas but life keeps throwing other stuff in your way, you can't get anything down on paper.  At least, that's what I find anyway.  As I stated last week I've been finding things very slow going creatively in recent weeks - last week I discovered something which, to say the least, hasn't exactly encouraged me to press on.

I'm a subscriber to Empire Magazine, and whilst flipping through the latest issue last week I had one of those moments where you want to exclaim, quite loudly 'Oh, for f**k's sake!!!' and put your head in your hands.  Reading through their article of movies available to watch On Demand, I came across this description for a 2011 Swedish Horror Film entitled 'Marianne':
"In Swedish writer-director Filip Tegstedt's chilling debut, the death of a cheating husband's wife causes him to have terrifying visions of a nocturnal visitor, drawn from Swedish folklore, threatening not only his sleep, but his sanity.  But is the creature, as his psychiatrist believes, an expression of his own guilt?"
My reaction is understandable, if you recall the brief outline I published for 'The Harrowed Man', the horror film I am (trying to) write:
It is about someone who loses their wife and 4 year old child in a car crash, which he survived. Whilst struggling to carry on with his life, coping with his grief and a creeping feeling of guilt that he survived when they did not, he begins to be haunted by a terrifying figure. This figure not only feeds the man's feelings of guilt, but it also physically attacks him, each encounter more dangerous than the last.
With the support of his sister, and a grief counsellor (who believe that the man's injuries from these attacks are self afflicted), he realises he must confront this figure, in order to overcome his grief and guilt.
But this figure is not merely trying to hurt the man - it wants to make him remember things he has suppressed from his memory...

As you can appreciate, this isn't the sort of news to inspire someone who has been in the creative doldrums of late...

However! - I decided that, before I simply throw my idea out of the water entirely, I would investigate this seemingly identical movie further.  Thankfully, I found some key differences:

  • In 'Marianne' the main character only loses his wife but not his children.  In 'The Harrowed Man' he loses his wife and only son.
  • In 'Marianne' the main character is only attacked at night (the film is apparently trying to touch on 'sleep paralysis').  In 'The Harrowed Man', the main character won't really be safe at any time of day - even though some incidents will be at night and relate to dreams.
  • In 'Marianne' the main character struggles to rebuild his relationship with his children following his wife's death.  In 'The Harrowed Man' the main character's struggles are with himself and trying to adapt back to a 'normal' life.
Also, from watching the trailers, it appears 'Marianne' plays down horror staples such as special effects, and is shot in a low key way - 'The Harrowed Man' would definitely require some effects and more stylised filming to realise certain elements.  On top of that, I don't believe the film is widely seen outside of Sweden anyway...

Besides that, I'm torn between whether to watch 'Marianne' or not: part of me wants to, to affirm that it's different to my film script; the other part doesn't, unless it unduly influences it (or proves that my idea is too similar for its own good).!

Ultimately though it hasn't deterred me from writing my script, which is just as well.

I just need to get time and inspiration to do so....

Thursday, 5 September 2013

6 months on - a progress report. Or lack thereof...

Well, it's been about 6 months since I started this blog - time I guess to see how I'm getting on. The (somewhat depressing) summary is: not that great so far :-/

So, looking backwards over my objectives for the few years before my impending 40th, here's where I've got to:

Buy a House: this is a bit immeasurable at the moment, as progress towards this will be slow. On the positive side, our financial situation should improve gradually from this month and over the next couple of years, so steps are being taken, which is the most positive bit of progress.

Improve my career prospects: sadly, I'm not having much success with this at the moment. Still, I have a job, and in the current economic climate I'm not complaining otherwise!

Write...something else: err, nothing to report here! I keep mulling over ideas, but seeing as I can't even get on with my primary writing objective...

Write a film script: I've not really made any progress with this - partly because work has been pretty intense over the last few months, so I've not had a lot of time and inclination to write; also, I've realised I have absolutely no idea about the final act for this film, which doesn't help! Literally all I've done is, mentally at least, amend one scene.

However, I recently talked through my 'Third Act' dilemma with my wife and I think it has helped, as some ideas have begun forming in my head. My priority now is to keep jotting down ideas for scenes, then order them in to a structure I can work from. So watch this space...

So, while my progress with some of my objectives is slow (non existent in some areas! :-/ ), it's just as well I've another 3 1/2 years to crack on...