Thursday, 5 September 2013

6 months on - a progress report. Or lack thereof...

Well, it's been about 6 months since I started this blog - time I guess to see how I'm getting on. The (somewhat depressing) summary is: not that great so far :-/

So, looking backwards over my objectives for the few years before my impending 40th, here's where I've got to:

Buy a House: this is a bit immeasurable at the moment, as progress towards this will be slow. On the positive side, our financial situation should improve gradually from this month and over the next couple of years, so steps are being taken, which is the most positive bit of progress.

Improve my career prospects: sadly, I'm not having much success with this at the moment. Still, I have a job, and in the current economic climate I'm not complaining otherwise!

Write...something else: err, nothing to report here! I keep mulling over ideas, but seeing as I can't even get on with my primary writing objective...

Write a film script: I've not really made any progress with this - partly because work has been pretty intense over the last few months, so I've not had a lot of time and inclination to write; also, I've realised I have absolutely no idea about the final act for this film, which doesn't help! Literally all I've done is, mentally at least, amend one scene.

However, I recently talked through my 'Third Act' dilemma with my wife and I think it has helped, as some ideas have begun forming in my head. My priority now is to keep jotting down ideas for scenes, then order them in to a structure I can work from. So watch this space...

So, while my progress with some of my objectives is slow (non existent in some areas! :-/ ), it's just as well I've another 3 1/2 years to crack on...

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